Saturday, 4 May 2013

Adding to my collection - BARGAIN ALERT :P

UPDATE: Now the proud owner of the entire glitterati collection! Yay to Chadstone k-mart :P 
Don't they all look so pretty all lined up?!

I couldn't resist anymore and decided to pick up Studio 54 from FOA's glitterati range from Priceline! While I was shopping, I was walking through K-mart, and they have $4 off all FOA products! This meant that the glitterati range was only SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS!! There were only a few nail polishes left, and I already had those ones, so I picked up Funky Town. I really wanted dancing queen but that was sold out so I will check other K-mart stores for the rest of the week :P

If you wanted to try the glitterati range, now is your chance, because its cheaper than a soft serve with flake!!! :P


  1. Oh my goodness thank you for letting me know! Ahhhh!

    1. No problem, hope you find all the ones you wanted! I was a little annoyed at myself for going to priceline first...could have bought 6 instead of one :P

    2. Ugh that is frustrating! I went to Kmart and there were 6 left - 3 from the Gliteratti range and 3 from the Pastels range...I picked up all 6 and it cost less than the usual retail price of one! Of course, the two that I actually wanted had sold out but I will go back next weekend crossing my fingers! I wrote about it in a post if you are interested :)
      Thank you so much for letting me know!

    3. HAHA no worries! thats why we blog right? Sharing the love and whatnot :P

  2. My Kmart had sold out of these before the sale started :( I'm checking back every day though in case they restock!

    1. Oh that's not cool :( Hope they restock for you! I think I only found them because I live in the middle of nowhere! :P

  3. Replies
    1. HAAH I got the entire collection now, for less than the RRP of one of these polishes! So happy haha

  4. I actually bought the same 2 colours because the rest were out of stock too! Damn our Kmarts :(

    1. I was lucky - i went to another k-mart today and picked up the three shades I don't have! I have the entire collection now -even those there were some that I didn't really want/need, but who can complain when its less than $1
