Friday, 12 April 2013

April Bellabox

Yay my bellabox arrived today - on time and in one piece - so thats already a plus :P It was actually quite heavy and chock full of things for me to try out. I think Bellabox is finally listening to all the negative feedback they have been getting, and I am quite happy with this box! Lots of brands/products I would not have thought to try out :)
 Indio Skin Tonic - Luxe
This toner is meant to hydrate the skin, and is made up of natural and botanical ingredients! Its a cute handbag sized bottle, smells pleasant (like pot pourri), and my favourite part about this is that it is a spray bottle! Perfect for travelling since there is no need for cotton balls!
 Lash Card - On Trend Tool
This was the product that was leaked on the FB page. It's a smart, convenient idea, but a business card does the same thing in my opinion, and has worked for me for a while now (I'm so messy with applying mascara!). Nevertheless, love that it is individually packaged and this will also go into my travel bag!

 Sally Hanson Magnetic Nail Colour - Colour
I've always wanted to try the Sally Hanson nail polishes! I claim to be an avid nail polish collector but I only just realised that I have no polishes by Sally Hanson! This is not a colour I would usually go for, but I guess this is why it's in a sample box ;P
Cedel Dry Conditioner - Essential
I received this in the Priceline Hair Bag a few months ago and I quite like this product. I actually prefer this smaller size to the full-sized product, just because I have a lot of hair products and I want to try and use up everything so that I can have an excuse to go buy more :P This dry conditioner comes out as a mousse, and smells like a salon (something that I'm not too fond of - I prefer hair products that have a sweet scent to it!).
 Aruyda Skin Perfecting Moisturiser - Natural
This sample was packaged in such a cute way, but unfortunately it leaked inside the little bag. From what I could salvage, it felt like a very nice moisturiser, and was a nice sample size as well! It's such a shame that it leaked (what are the chances of having leaking products in 2 consecutive boxes?!)
 Proplenish Marine Collagen Sachets - Natural
I'm a bit dubious about this product - you are meant to add the sachets to water and it's supposed to make your skin healthier. I am always skeptical of these kinds of products since my hair and nails pills that I bought last year did nothing for me.

Cellilux Glacial Mineral Gel - Cult
This gel works like a face mask, and that alone has made me happy. I've stated many times that I loveeee face masks, and I cannot wait to try this one out!

UPDATE: I tried the mask tonight and the texture of it was like a clay mask (for some reason, I expected it to be a clear gel haha) When I first applied it, my skin tingled a lot and it comes out a dark greyish colour, and dries like concrete (you can see it starting to dry on my upper lip in the image!). My skin felt really soft after taking it off, but I'm not sure I could bear to spend that much on a facemask when there are so many other brands I want to try! Also - try not to get any on your clothes - it's hard to wash out(and I learnt the hard way)!

Ayurda Skin Firming and Toning Cream
I believe this is a bonus sample, as there was no mention of it on my BB card! Its nice to receive extras, and the little pamphlet introduced all the products from Ayurda :)

Not a bad month for bellabox right? With the exception of the leaking moisturiser, I am quite happy with this box. It's definitely an improvement from previous months, and I'm glad they included a lot more products that weren't available from Coles :P


  1. I got some collagen sachets in a beauty box recently; you're supposed to *drink* them, so I gave them away! Btw how does dry conditioner work? I'm getting images of a powder you leave in.
    My international giveaway

    1. Yeah drinking them sounds a little scary! The dry shampoo is like a mousse or a foam - when you put in in your hair it doesn't leave any residue or heaviness, so thats probably why it's called 'dry' conditioner! That and the fact that you don't need to wash it out :P

  2. Wow you look like you received a pretty full box there full of exciting things. I hope I received the dry conditoner that looks very interesting, don't know about the collagen powder.

    Jac x0x

    1. Yeah, its nice to receive a nice heavy box, especially after the last few boxes were a tad disappointing! Hopefully they keep this up! I'd love to know what you get in your box! Half the fun of getting sample boxes is scoping out what others get:P

    2. Hopefully mine will be here tomorrow, always arrives by snail mail :o)

  3. Wow! That all looks amazing! Fingers crossed I receive the same box or one similar although I don't like my chances going by the past 3 boxes I've received. The Cedel Dry Conditioner sounds interesting. Enjoy all your products. :)

    1. Yeah, I'm glad that they upped their game! From other reviews that i've seen, the boxes this month seem pretty equal in value so hopefully you like whatever you get:)

  4. Box twins! ( I didn't even notice the firming and toning cream - glad I read your post before I threw out all the papers!

    1. HAHA always check the pamphlets for hidden surprise samples! :)
